Microsoft's Mike Torres digs into some code today on the Building Windows 8 blog, showing third-party developers how to integrate SkyDrive functionality into their programs using the Windows Live SDK.

This functionalty ties in with Microsoft's last blog post, which laid out the benefits of syncing content between Windows 8 systems using your Windows Live ID. By tying their programs to Windows Live, third-party developers can not only use SkyDrive to work with files users have saved to the cloud, but can also give users the benefit single-sign in to apps via their Windows Live ID.

For complete details, as well as some actual lines of code (which Steven Sinofsky says we can "expect more" of), you can as always read through the exhaustive post on the Building Windows 8 blog.

Source: Building WIndows 8 blog

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  • InternetGeek - Thursday, September 29, 2011 - link

    One thing I like about Microsoft's take on cloud is that many of the basics are free, with great limits and that they integrate with Windows Phone (specially Mango). It's a feature that's rarely mentioned in phones review. Are you guys planning to do so in the future?
  • Malih - Thursday, September 29, 2011 - link

    SkyDrive is free, other phones might not have SkyDrive, but the are free apps that have options to store data for backup/sync on free cloud services, for example Dropbox.
  • InternetGeek - Thursday, September 29, 2011 - link

    True, but they are not quite that integrated with your phone and such. Also, with skydrive I don't even have to pay for office.

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