AG Neovo S-18 18'' LCD

by Kristopher Kubicki on October 2, 2002 12:51 AM EST

NeoV Crystal Optic Filter

One thing we noticed the other day in the lab was how few monitors have a piece of glass over the screen.  Most have the LCD screen exposed to the outside, protected by only a very thin sheath.

Click to enlarge.

The S-18 (and most every AG Neovo LCD) has a patented ‘NeoV Crystal Optic Filter’ over the LCD and bezel of the monitor. The purpose of this 2.8mm Filter is threefold.  First of all, it protects the screen itself.  LCD screens themselves are incredibly vulnerable and unprotected.  By even lightly pressing on a calculator screen you can damage the liquid crystal and possibly crack it.  Monitors, of course, are no exception.  We especially like the piece of mind the scratch-resistant glass provides.


As we mentioned, the purpose of the Optic Filter was threefold.  Each side of the glass is triple coated with a polymer that filters intermediate wavelengths outside of the visible light spectrum.  The S-18 datasheet claims this allows for the crispest colors possible giving the S-18 a slight edge in color definition.  Of course, we will just have to confirm this ourselves!

The final purpose of the NeoV Filter is to provide an antireflective surface in front of the LCD.  Surprisingly little reflection can be noticed while sitting in front of the LCD; much less than that of a CRT monitor.  The very small amount of reflection appears to have a dark maroon haze.

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