Welcome to the new IT portal of Anandtech.com! A higher frequency of in depth IT articles, a thriving IT community who gives us excellent feedback and more exposure for our IT content are our goals in the coming months.
As our colleagues at Anandtech.com are producing a flood of new articles on CE, gaming gear and mobile computing, the IT articles were simply drowning. And that is unfortunate, because there are so few places that give the IT professional hard benchmark data and in depth articles. Most IT related sites produces small news items. And the lionshare of those news items consist of the opinon of marketing manager X - basically a hidden advertisement - or CIO Y who boasts how he is driven by "business excellence". Boring!
More than ever we'll bring the Anandtech way of investigating new technology to the IT world: let benchmarking, critical analyzes and first hand experience do the talking.
But we need your help! Analyzing and benchmarking IT related technology is incredibly complex and time consuming. Our current investigation into Virtualization has made that even more clear.
With your feedback we can make our articles a lot better and smarter. The goal is a constant feedback loop: we  launch a new article, you give us your feedback in the forums, we react to the best comments with a blog update and so on. Yes, the main purpose of putting the blog section on top is that we'll use the blogs to quickly react to good feedback.
So register in our IT forum and let us make this work!


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