Making an affordable smartphone for the masses that aren’t willing to spend the dime on flagship-tier devices is a pitch I’ve heard a few times. Usually the device starts out great, but software support ends up being negligible from the start, or the device has serious caveats in actual practice. The number of mid to low end phones I’ve seen which promised to be halo devices of the mass market but are stuck running the same software they launched with could fill a few desk drawers.

I’ve been using Moto G as my daily driver since getting it, and absent a few features (camera, LTE, always on voice and display tuning), the device is surprisingly close to offering a similar kind of experience as the Moto X. Form factor is roughly equivalent, it’s like a Moto X that has put on a few pounds and a few millimeters around the edges. The physical differences aren't huge, and I'm glad that Motorola didn't sacrifice anything major by adding removable back shells. 

On the display side I'd actually opt for an LCD over AMOLED to begin with for power reasons, although with emphasis on calibration. Resolution and contrast is excellent on the Moto G. I miss the camera activation flick gesture from the Moto X, and to a lesser extent the always on voice activation, but trading those off in favor of a lower price point makes a lot of sense given their reliance on extra dedicated silicon and more expensive display. 

The previous generation of Snapdragon 400-based phones that I played with for some reason never really was fast enough to smooth over the demanding parts of Android 4.x. The four Cortex A7s and Adreno 305 in MSM8x26 seem competent enough to run Android at a decent clip without hesitation or dropped frames. I’d wager Motorola’s continued use of F2FS which started with the Moto X also helps the system feel speedy and storage I/O competitive. The storage sizes available are comparatively small at 8 and 16 GB, and given the small price delta between the two there's really no reason anyone should opt for the smaller of the two. I'm eager to see how much the Android 4.4 KitKat update improves memory occupancy on the Moto G, since occasional app suspension is my only usability complaint on Moto G. 

The Moto G grew on me considerably in the time I've spent with it, just like Moto X did before it. The question is ultimately whether the Moto G delivers a good overall experience for the price – I'd argue it definitely does. 

Cellular, WiFi, Speaker, GNSS
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  • sprockkets - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    And that was a red herring. Did you even read the part where Google themselves updated it past 18 months with 4.3?

    Or would you think them saying "We can't update it because TI no longer has their OMAP team" would make sense to anyone?
  • Baser - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    I don't think that you know what a red herring is.
  • sprockkets - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    I absolutely do.
  • Nagorak - Tuesday, December 24, 2013 - link

    You're not using the term correctly.
  • boeush - Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - link

    After being stuck and miserable with a buggy and heavily skinned version of 2.3.4 on my Motorola Droid X2 for 2 years, that's why I finally went for the Nexus 5 this time around (and no more 2-year contracts, either...) I've sworn to never buy another Motorola POS ever again, but I might reconsider if Google's ownership results in major changes... (so far, I'm not seeing that yet)
  • Hakuron - Saturday, December 21, 2013 - link

    You haven't seen major changes? Well sir you need a couple of new glasses.
    Moto x is only device which actually cares about user experience, making life easier for their owners with its unique features.
    Moto g is TOTALLY a game changing device (worldwide) due its amazing price-quality relationship.
    Same goes for the updates, motorola has got 5 devices on 4.4 while other manufacturers haven't even got it yet for their flagship.
  • darwinosx - Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - link

    If you care about updates, don't get anything besides an iPhone. Simple as that.
  • ESC2000 - Monday, December 30, 2013 - link

    Yeah but then you have to use an iphone
  • Stuka87 - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    The only phone maker with long term update support is Apple. On the Android side you are still lucky to get *A* update with most phones. The Nexus will get you the most, but not anywhere close to what Apple offers in terms of hardware support (Currently 3 generations back for iOS7).
  • sprockkets - Wednesday, December 18, 2013 - link

    Moto X is already on 4.4, before even the Nexus 4.

    This isn't your old Motorola here.

    Oh and btw, the current and former generation of Droids are all getting 4.4.

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