Making an affordable smartphone for the masses that aren’t willing to spend the dime on flagship-tier devices is a pitch I’ve heard a few times. Usually the device starts out great, but software support ends up being negligible from the start, or the device has serious caveats in actual practice. The number of mid to low end phones I’ve seen which promised to be halo devices of the mass market but are stuck running the same software they launched with could fill a few desk drawers.

I’ve been using Moto G as my daily driver since getting it, and absent a few features (camera, LTE, always on voice and display tuning), the device is surprisingly close to offering a similar kind of experience as the Moto X. Form factor is roughly equivalent, it’s like a Moto X that has put on a few pounds and a few millimeters around the edges. The physical differences aren't huge, and I'm glad that Motorola didn't sacrifice anything major by adding removable back shells. 

On the display side I'd actually opt for an LCD over AMOLED to begin with for power reasons, although with emphasis on calibration. Resolution and contrast is excellent on the Moto G. I miss the camera activation flick gesture from the Moto X, and to a lesser extent the always on voice activation, but trading those off in favor of a lower price point makes a lot of sense given their reliance on extra dedicated silicon and more expensive display. 

The previous generation of Snapdragon 400-based phones that I played with for some reason never really was fast enough to smooth over the demanding parts of Android 4.x. The four Cortex A7s and Adreno 305 in MSM8x26 seem competent enough to run Android at a decent clip without hesitation or dropped frames. I’d wager Motorola’s continued use of F2FS which started with the Moto X also helps the system feel speedy and storage I/O competitive. The storage sizes available are comparatively small at 8 and 16 GB, and given the small price delta between the two there's really no reason anyone should opt for the smaller of the two. I'm eager to see how much the Android 4.4 KitKat update improves memory occupancy on the Moto G, since occasional app suspension is my only usability complaint on Moto G. 

The Moto G grew on me considerably in the time I've spent with it, just like Moto X did before it. The question is ultimately whether the Moto G delivers a good overall experience for the price – I'd argue it definitely does. 

Cellular, WiFi, Speaker, GNSS
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  • Taracta - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    "Moto G arrives without LTE and instead offers up to single carrier HSPA+ with 64QAM, for up to 21 Mbps on the downlink. Although MSM8x26 itself has a modem block capable of up to dual carrier HSPA+ and category 4 LTE, it seems as though Motorola went for single carrier HSPA+ in the Moto G for time to market reasons, with the LTE and dual-carrier HSPA+ enabled software tree likely slotting in a quarter later than the initial code drop with single carrier HSPA+."

    Does this means that the Moto G will have LTE in the near future? This would put my only major reservation about this phone to rest!
  • Mogster - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    I'm wondering that as well. Even if it's not officially supported, could the phone be hacked to use LTE or dual-carrier HSPA+? Guess I'll check XDA Developers, maybe they have some info on it.

    Also, any idea if the CPU can be overclocked?
  • orenc17 - Thursday, December 19, 2013 - link

    now that the kitkat update began seeding will you update the review
    to see if kitkat actually improved anything?
  • smarty69 - Friday, December 20, 2013 - link

    As I knew Tesco were cheaper than phones 4 U for the moto g phones 4 U were selling it 16GB for £149.99 + £10 top up any network (so they are unlocked!)
    & had them in stock :)
    Phones 4 U will if you ask customer services nicely price match :-)
    & if you've ordered online you have 7 days change of mind policy I said I don't want to return it but Tesco is cheaper than you! so they refunded me back the difference! .... & their deal was an unlocked moto g with free white phone back case & a £10 top up & entry into their Christmas giveaway draw (I got a scratch card sent to me with a code entered it online ) & won 25% off all accessories!
    I got these as well :0)
    & only paid the same as Tesco £129!!!!!
    Hope this helps grab a bargain....loving my Moto g ;0)
    Excellent Battery life BTW & Go online & read a few Android tips.... eg use auto brightness & stop apps running in background
    Use power saving etc etc I get 23 hours out of my phone with 8 hours of actual on screen time omg! :0) that's amazing.....
    Merry Christmas ppls X
  • bhima - Friday, December 20, 2013 - link

    Really great review Brian. This is probably the most accurate review of this device on the internet. So far I'm really enjoying my Moto G, especially the battery life compared to my old Galaxy S1.
  • metayoshi - Friday, December 20, 2013 - link

    I've been reading this review in installments and finally got to the battery life section... Wow, that's impressive. It has got to be the best battery life on any smartphone in this class. And it has Android 4.4.2 as of the writing of this comment? Way to go Motorola. They have really stepped up their game.
  • unconnectme - Saturday, December 21, 2013 - link

    Moto G is a game changer for the consumer. Moto G + service from 35orless. Savings versus 2 year agrement over $1,000
  • will2 - Sunday, December 22, 2013 - link

    @Brian. Very good detailed review of most of it, but no mention of any means of getting the screen mirrored to TV, and if it plays at least 720p films smoothly. I read elsewhere it doesnt have any wired TV-out, but are you able to check if it supports Miracast ? ... and if it plays films smoothly ?
  • blzd - Monday, December 23, 2013 - link

    First Nexus 5 now the Moto G. Google are on a roll here for those price:performance sweet spots.

    Also 4.4 Kit Kat supports screen mirroring natively.
  • truminspiron - Monday, December 23, 2013 - link

    Oh so good for see but not good for buy...

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