Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40GB - Interface (cont.)

The Selected Music and Now Playing are also a bit different than the ported OS that we saw with the Dell DJ. The only major difference is that the Selected Music screen has the tracks sorted by artist, album, or genre. It depends on how the tracks were added to the selected music list in the first place. Using the "play any track" option puts the Jukebox Zen Xtra into shuffle mode, plays all the tracks, and sorts them by album.

The Now Playing screen is only different with the addition of the year of the audio track and a display of the total time of the track, instead of remaining time.


Click to enlarge.


Click to enlarge.

The scroll toggle acts as an enter command when pressed in. Hitting enter once brings up the available options for any given entry, and twice actually selects that option.


Click to enlarge.


Click to enlarge.

The Now Playing screen has the ability to set a bookmark, which will mark a particular point in a particular audio track. The rule is one track, one bookmark. Setting a new bookmark after one already is stored for that particular track will override the previous one.

Click to enlarge.

The options available for an individual entry in the music library are basically the same throughout. The only difference is that the Find and Delete options are specific for the screen that you are in, while the All Tracks submenu has a few more options.


Click to enlarge.


Click to enlarge.

Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40GB – Interface Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40GB – Interface (cont.)
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  • jdmf13 - Saturday, July 3, 2004 - link

    This is the MOST USELESS review I have ever read about the Zen Xtra!

    What kind of a reviewer writes a review like this and the only "test" he focuses on is the transfer speed from to the Zen?! I think the transfer speed from a PC to a Zen is the last thing one someone's mind when they're looking for an MP3 player....geez.

    The reviewer forgot to mention two VERY important things like :

    - sound quality (a world apart from an iPod)
    - battery life (average of 10-12h)

    I'm not really fussed how long it takes to transfer a few MP3s, and if I am then I'll use Notmad Explorer (from Redchair software - also left out by the reviewer) which is much faster than Creative's bundled software, not to mention stable.

    To also answer a previous question in these comments, there is limited Mac support via a plugin for iTunes :

    For USEFUL information on the Zen Xtra range, take a look at Nomadness :
  • Quiksel - Saturday, July 3, 2004 - link

    yikes, i'm glad i never bought one of those... gosh, doesn't look very good in any category, especially when you're comparing it to the iPod...

    Andrew, you mentioned the Windows support, but I guess there is no Mac support? Just curious.

    Thanks for the review, but like #2, where's iRiver?

  • EdvardGrieg - Saturday, July 3, 2004 - link

    yay for once again failing to mention either Rio or iRiver....
  • Souka - Saturday, July 3, 2004 - link

    Yeah, but it can't be integrated into my BMW 3 series...unlike my iPod...which works great! :)

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